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Now In: Scout II & Scout Terra or Traveler PartsElectrical → D.U.I. Performance Ignition Wires CAMO!, v8 & 4cyl, Scout, Scout II, Pickup Travelall

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D.U.I. Performance Ignition Wires CAMO!, v8 & 4cyl, Scout, Scout II, Pickup Travelall   

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D.U.I. Performance Ignition Wires, v8 & 4cyl, Scout, Scout II, Pickup Travelall
LiveWires® from Performance Distributors come with space age, heat resistant sleeving to provide protection from exhaust heat. The sleeving is heat treated glass braid and is non-flammable and non-corrosive to chemicals. LiveWires unique sleeving provides protection from -76° to +1400° F and offers excellent resistance to moisture and chemicals.

 LiveWires are custom fit - no assembly is required. They are available for both over the valve cover and under the header applications. Each wire is numbered on both ends for the correct cylinder making installation, removal and re-installation quick and easy.

 LiveWires have a durable and long lasting silicone jacket and insulation. Heat shrink applied between the boot and the sleeving keeps dirt and moisture away from wire terminals. Swivel boots are easy to work with.

 LiveWires spiral wound core prevents electronic interference. No radio noise or computer interference and they work with delay boxes and stutter boxes. They offer extremely low resistance of 300 - 350 Ohms per foot for optimum spark travel.
 Please allow 2 weeks for special orders

4cyl Wire set

v8 Wire set

D.U.I. Performance Distributors! v8 & 4cyl, Scout, Scout II, Pickup Travelall

D.U.I. Performance Ignition Wires, v8 & 4cyl, Scout, Scout II, Pickup Travelall

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